Monday, November 2, 2015

March 26th 2015

March 26th 2015: Before I start talking about today let me bring up something that happened last night. For March 25th I was scheduled to work 5:15PM to 10:15PM. A Wednesday night event. I get all the way down here and Predator tells me I am not on the schedule and sends me home. Even after I signed in and put on my uniform. Mr. Ass had R.J. put down to work until 10:15PM as a typo (his name and mine are right next to each other on the schedule). He both had reached his 25 hour limit AND gave Mismanagement doctor’s paperwork; two reasons he could not stay. I sign in my 4 hours of report-in-pay but then Predator tells me I am not getting that. His argument is that I did not have a schedule, and I didn't because Evening Shift never printed them on Saturday like they were supposed to. It was all a typo on Mr. Ass' part and hopefully The Equalizer gets it worked out.

The first time Predator stole hours from me was on February 7th, a Saturday. I was to work an evening event until 10:15PM. Then he suddenly “lost” the work order. Claiming that I was not going to work that night. The following Thursday I had that meeting with The Equalizer about Predator. You know the one that led to Knucklehead and Mismanagement ambushing me in HR over something that occurred while I was a guest of the museum.

According to My State Labor and Wage Division I am not entitled to that four hours. I am having a meeting with Knucklehead and The Equalizer at some point today about it. Also (redacted) is no longer in the Monitor Room. He only lasted one work week before he said the hell with it. People were placing bets on him. No one can blame him for wanting to, I just wish I could have seen the meltdown.

Today I am on the Court and I have been sitting down, doing NOT THIS JOB, for large amounts of time. That will help pay back the four hours they owe me. In an earlier entry I talked about “tourist mode”. At least I may have… Pretty sure I wrote that down. If not, here’s a reminder. It’s basically a sit down strike, but not literally sitting down. I just patrol at half speed and read various item plaques. I have also added writing to this process. I ca not officially add writing to “tourist mode” because I do that regardless! Not much else to do on a Thursday when no one is here.

Also I should note that two years ago, around this time, Mismanagement stole money from (redacted)'s family, shortly after she died on March 13th 2013. Everybody loved (redacted), several departments donated little bits of money here and there. None of which made it to her family since Mismanagement was in charge of taking the money to them. The next day she comes in with a new hair style and outfit. (Redacted's) mentally challenged daughter reported that she never got the money. I will let you put the rest together.

I went up to the 4th Floor to relieve the guard for a 10-100. He almost pulled a (redacted) on me. 30 minutes he was gone! I like 10-100s because it’s a good change of scenery. I am taking the 5:45PM break (I had the 11AM lunch break). Took Monitor Room ten minutes to get Predator's attention, then an additional 10 for him to drag his ignorant time thieving ass down to the Court to tell me and (redacted) what we already assumed. We are self relief tonight.

Looking back to this day and how I've been working here since, I think I have definitely made back that 10 hours Predator owes me. 

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