Tuesday, August 23, 2016

July 20th 2015

So here I am at this training seminar, pretending to take notes like I did with the First Aid Training. It started off weird with everyone looking over my shoulder to see what I was writing. Once the Directors of the museum left it started working out. Once I got my coffee everything got better obviously. The seminar lady wanted us to share but the head of HR is here. Just to remind you she is taking notes on everything. I stayed quiet most of the day. They put me in a group of three with the redacteds. So I was as cryptic with my responses while still being honest about the fact I didn’t want to be there.

Later, during one of the breaks, I tried to ask Judas and the Canine Unit patiently for a property pass. Both of them practically snapped at me saying I would not need one, automatically ASSuming that I had my bag with me. Little did they know that I had already put it in my locker? What’s the big deal? Well when a staff member enters the building (ie the main museum) they need to have their bag checked both going in and coming out. I never bother with any of that bull shit because like you I don’t consider it an actual thing. As I walked away Judas said “I already signed him out”, well she didn’t. Once again I got to see that “oops” look on her face when I proved her wrong again.

We got a booklet and the damn thing pretty much knew me to a T. That’s actually kind of creepy. Therapeutic though since I need some answers after what happened in Chicago with Britt. The funny thing is the head of HR was taking the notes the entire time so the only time I opened my mouth was to joke. Predator, on court ordered happy pills apparently, took every opportunity to speak. That’s the one good thing about being a loner, you get to sit back and let the psychos build dirt on each other. Then write about it for a blog entry of course…

Monday, August 8, 2016

July 18th 2015

I didn’t think I’d have anything to write about today. Like usual this place is a surprise. Apparently (redacted) IS going mad with power already, at least for Martin. He told me that he was called into a private meeting with Knucklehead over some text messages she had on her phone. I do not know why she is picking on him, or what the nature of the situation is, but this seems like the level of deceitful shit that goes on here. Perhaps she thinks she can get him fired over something that happened in their off hours? Regardless you cannot do that to an employee in the workplace. It’s unethical and also goes against his First Amendment rights. As I said I do not know the nature of the situation. These texts may have been sent WHILE he was at work, in which case she has him, but it doesn’t make it any less betraying. *

My advice to him was to get a lawyer, the only guy I know who isn't my lawyer, is George’s friend Brian. I texted him earlier to get Brian’s number, hopefully for Martin’s sake he will reply back. While I’m on the subject of lawyers they better not pull that crap with me. I almost sued them (and WILL in future if they fuck with me) over the Kelly situation. And after getting myself out of Baldy's false accusations they have been walking on egg shells around me. Maybe she should focus her hate on someone deserving of it; like Predator.

Today I was going to be posted on the upper floor of the old building. You know the throwaway post? Instead of having me be a roving guard. I suppose they know better by this point than to give me that much freedom. Just so R+G+G would not be over crowded I decided to be a semi-rover. That is until Monitor Room found out (redacted) was not coming in today. So now I am doing reliefs, two of which are on the doors! “I ain’t even mad” is the saying in my mind during times like this. The 2PM lunch break still sucks though.

As I was sitting at New Entrance, relieving (redacted) for his break, (redacted) came strutting in like she owned the place. Yeah she’s lost her shit.

*"Martin" (that's not his real name obviously) was not the only friend that (redacted) betrayed in order to get her new position. She was actually the one who talked me into asking out Kelly to begin with. So she knew exactly what she was doing. Of course Mismanagement not doing her job was the perfect push too. (Redacted) thinks I'm some dumb white boy who does not catch on to these things. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

July 16th 2015

July 16th 2015: This day was going pretty smoothly, I’m two thirds through this Thursday before it happened. Hang on, let me pull a cliff hanger and tell you the good news first. I won’t be in the mood for it later.

I call my bank and the money taken from the coffee machine has been put back in my account. I discovered this on my 20-minute break AFTER getting $1.60 in change from the vending guy. So I guess you could say I owe HIM $1.60 now. Actually the museum owed me $4 anyway so this works out. The other piece of good news is I was able to do that assessment thing ON THE CLOCK this morning rather than do it in my off hours.

So the downside (ie the bad news) I have to come in for some training seminar THIS coming Monday. That’s not all though, Predator is also in my group. So not only do I have to come in on my day off but I also have to do this koom-ba-ya crap with HIM. At least I don’t have to do it alone. Chris, (redacted), Captain Redacted, (redacted), and Buckwheat have to be there too. Which makes me wonder if it’s some kind of setup. I don’t care, Predator IS an asshole in both personality and scent. Simple as that.

It’s going to fuck up my typical Sunday plans. I’ll have to go to the bar Saturday night instead. I’m going to participate as less as possible. 

100th Post!

A little over a year and I'm still working on this blog part time. Well I still work at the Art Museum, and there is still goofy unethical bull shit going on there. I might be about a year behind in the journal entries, but Jane Goodall has other irons in the fire.

Don't worry, a lot of things changed and a lot of things didn't in that time. All of it a learning experience for all of us. If I can say anything at this time it's that this place has turned me into the savage bastard that we should all be when dealing with corruption.

What's that old saying? "No surrender, no quarter"?