Sunday, May 15, 2016

June 20th 2015

That interview went great yesterday! I hope I get a call back, if I’m lucky it won’t be for another week and I’ll be able to go to Chicago during my “two weeks notice”. (never got a call back, fml) I hope you know by now that there is not actually going to be a two weeks notice. In the meantime I need to work on my exit strategy. I will let you guess where I am posted today; I’ll give you a hint, it’s one of the same two places I seem to always be posted.

Not much to report on today apart from me working a wedding tonight, so I’ll be here for another nine hours. Fuck… I hope I’m not posted on the Loading Dock.

Sweet I’m posted on the Old Entrance tonight. I will not be stopping any drinks coming down the stairs tonight. For the first 15 minutes I was sitting here at Old Entrance Predator was sitting down upstairs probably trying to take notes to use on me later. Nigga please! I am no angel but compared to him I’m a saint. Plus I have a couple years of shit on him. 40% of which is just from the last couple of months. When he came down to get the daily attendance paper he could not tell the difference between 39 and 35. You know someone’s got a mental issue when they need to control THAT.

Very easy going crowd tonight, only 48 people. By the way that’s a 4 and an 8. Most of them are old people, they are playing jazz music, and everything is moving ahead of schedule. I think we might get out of here early. They didn’t give us a half-hour break, but they didn’t give an hour break either. They met us in the middle with 45 minutes. I’m all for the let’s-meet-them-in-the-middle approach, but that’s just meticulous enough to be Predator's decision.

I have to pop outside occasionally just to wake up. It’s kind of humid compared to the pleasant AC filled Old Entrance, but it’s not gonna knock me out sitting here. This elevator music is snooze inducing, but at least guests can hear me when I shout “I’m sorry, you can’t bring that drink downstairs.” Ok now let me get back to reporting the truth. I was standing outside the door (before it started raining) and saw Predator littering. I mean the guy’s an asshole, that’s confirmed, but come on… Put that paper in the trash can, that’s five feet away from you, instead of just blowing it off the straw.

Got some recent developments. (redacted) forgot to hook the latch on the left bronze door at the Old Entrance. Damn near thought the glass door would shatter when the storm kicked up. If I come in tomorrow to work on “The Project” I will make sure to bug him about it. I am definitely calling a cab to pick me up. Typically I walk a few blocks before getting a cab. Not tonight, that is if we are getting out early. Maybe the rain will be over by the time these old fucks get done boozing.

Well it’s 10:55 and shit’s still going on. The bride is the daughter of one of the Board Directors, the little guy with no neck. Right now Sticks is outside waiting for (redacted) just like my dad had to wait for me the last time a Board Director had a party go on longer than it needed to. I have learned my lesson; I take cabs in situations like this, no more making THEM wait for other people’s fuck ups.

11:03 – 33 minutes longer than it was suppose to go on for. The thing back in October 2013 went on for an hour-and-a-half longer. The band sounds winded and people are starting to leave. 11:42, fuck my life. They are standing around acting like they are made of fucking sugar. I think Mr. Ass gave up on the 25-hour limit thing, I mean for real this time. If I don’t have a new job by then I’ll experiment with this Thursday. After all he said come in 9:15 to 9:15. So nine to nine I shall come in, breaking my supposed 25-hour limit. 

I really wish that ass-fuck Chris didn't bone me out of a good job. Or else I wouldn't still be working for Hitler and his trained apes. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

June 18th 2015

They have me in Special Ex today with (redacted). The first part of the day was spent hearing about how her daughter had her phone stolen. Don’t you hate it when you are walking away from somebody and they do not get the hint? That’s how she is, she also would rather talk over you than receive good advice.

I completely understand the need to vent, afterall that’s what I’m doing writing this, but my text and speech are clear. (Redacted) mumbles her words and slurs when her mouth can’t catch up with her thoughts. Luckily, for the most part, she is keeping to herself in Special Ex 2. Or Special Ex 1 as Father Time is calling it today. I guess he woke up and decided he was going to mix things up a bit. His new theory is that Special Ex position 2 is actually position 1 since it would be chronologically first on any other occasion. Confused? Father Time sure is, and it was his idea to begin with. Using that aforementioned logic he gave (redacted) the keys instead of me.

I later got the keys after (redacted) suggested we swap places. I liked this idea because position 2 has a sit down blind spot, and better 3G. However (redacted) came to relieve her in order to go over to Mismanagement’s office. Sounds like they’re trying to beat down on someone again. I really hope I get that job tomorrow.

Ok so the reason (redacted) was gone so long is because Mismanagement had her doing busy work, plus was making her hang out and chat in her office. At some point Mismanagement and D.S. had a falling out. Like what happened with Shorty a couple years ago. Apparently Buckwheat is a friend of Martin who’s allied with C.J. , so there’s no way Mismanagement can trust Buckwheat. Because (redacted) is weak Mismanagement is preying on that. Hopefully she will find some way out of it. (She barely knows how to say no to the woman so that will never happen.)

Looney Tunes came by to visit. She’s not looking as bad as they say she is. She has lost weight but not in the bad way. I told her I will not be able to come to her party tomorrow, but that I wish her all the best. While talking to (redacted) I found out that Mismanagement lived with D.S. for six months after her boyfriend kicked her out. I am starting to see why everyone both hates and feels sorry for her. Unfortunately, I do not feel sorry for users after what happened with Sam. That is probably why I hate her. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

June 14th 2015

Tonight only working four hours for the going away party of (redacted). As far as staff members go she’s one of the nicest. It will be a shame to see her leave but she’s worked here a very long time. It was hot as shit coming down here, I wish I never volunteered for it. If I keep writing and working on my iTunes playlists (thanks to my Bluetooth headset) the night will shoot through quick.

I honestly do not give a fuck about any of these people so mingling’s out of the question. So far it is just people that work on the upper floors. None of the succubi from Education are here *knock on wood*. I guess I can add Shannon to the deceitful list. Apparently her and Predator are seeing each other. According to (redacted); he took her home one night but once he got her clothes off he could smell stench. Predator is nothing but stench so the theory balances out.

Holy smokes we get a 30-minute break! Ok so the night does not entirely suck. Also Predator either ignored or did not notice the red earbud in my left ear. I was not really expecting a break. I'll eat something at 7/11, like a fruit bowl. Also (redacted) keeps staring at me. I relieve her in four minutes. Then I get to go on MY break.

Damn (upstairs lady) has worked here for 46 years and is STILL humble? Whatever her secret is (redacted) never learned it. Then again she does not have to deal with the ignorant public. It is raining now. According to my weather app (the accurate-ish one, not that shit Apple has) this rain is suppose to go on until 10. I plan to change out of my uniform and feel human again. So I had to bring my backpack with me. The backpack looks weatherproof so everything should be ok. My uniform I do not care about, but my electronics are a different story.

So after my break they told me to go relieve Sis on Center Street Door for 30 minutes. I relieve her, she goes to buy some 7/11, and tells me she already had her 30-minute break. “What the fuck?” is the unofficial slogan of the Security Department. Found out Looney Toons is not looking too good. Not sure if I already said it, but I’m not going to her going-away party. I do wish her all the best, but I can do that from afar. Maybe I’ll send her a card. 

30 minutes left with this thing. Predator was out giving the staff his G.T.F.O. stare. Complete with arm-cross action. He doesn’t even do that at weddings. Everyone ignored him regardless. And in hindsight this, among A LOT of other things, was one of the offenses that lead to his firing.