Thursday, September 29, 2016

August 8th 2015

Not much happened today. I am posted in the Special Exhibition again so I remembered to bring my PS Vita with me. I discovered (redacted) is fucking insane. While she relieved me she noticed some smudges on one of the cases. Smudges. Not cracks or signs of attempted art theft. Just smudges. They are most likely on the INSIDE of the damn case or else Maintenance would have cleaned them ages ago. Guess who didn’t have to write up a report at the end of the day? It’s times like this that I am thankful of this place's incompetence.

Friday, September 16, 2016

August 1st 2015

Missmanagement's cracking. She’s trying harder to grasp onto what little power she has left. Had us do rounds this morning supposedly taking notes to see if we were doing our jobs right. While I was over at the staff building I noticed they moved her office again. She WAS in the Lower Level but now she’s over at H.H. where the Docent's use to be.

It took forever to get the info from D.J. Not because she’s a tough nut to crack with info, but because she caused a miscommunication with her answer to my basic question of Missmanagment’s new office. I should know better by now to ask questions. 

“Where is her new office?” I mistakenly asked D.J. after I noticed her cubical dismantled and empty.
“Across from the old Docent Room” she replied. That being Knucklehead’s old office.
“You mean Knucklehead’s old office?”
Then she replied “no across from the Docent Room!” In that self-frustrated tone of hers.

After we did this back and forth, and I explained the layout of H.H., she said “her new office is in the Docent Room.” But she said it in a way as if she was finally getting through to me when it was the other way around.

One good tweek that makes things easier is there no longer is a #12 key on the 4th Floor. Everything is now on the 56-4 set. All in one place now. Why the hell don’t they think of these little things sooner? Because you need an (redacted) to almost lose a key before that kind of change can be made. They should have done that ages ago. The more crap you give a person responsibility for, the more likely it will go missing.

Also I volunteered for some Tuesday thing from 10:30 to 3:30, probably more “guard lighting crew” duty. I better charge my PS Vita, I’ll need it. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

July 23rd 2015

Like usual my spidey B.S. detector is on high. Worse of all I’m not prepared for this 12-hour Thursday, luckily I’m halfway through before I decided to jot today’s retardation down. This will keep me going for as long as I have paper.

My blutooth headset was in the laundry. It lit up first but all-in-all it’s dead. R.I.P. little time killer. Also I’m running out of paper on my notepad (the small one) and didn’t bring my USB cord for my tablet. Though luckily I can work on “The Project” using ink and paper. That’s one of the ways I’m killing time.

Mismanagement is in anal-retentive mode today. She had a meeting about literally nothing. I mean more nothing than usual. She seemed tired and slurry, having the meeting for the sake of one. She mentioned that if the littlest thing happens we will have to write an incident report. Sure enough after a meeting with (redacted) that very thing happened.

He came to relieve me for my hour break. I gave him both sets of keys, I come back an hour later and the #9 key is “missing”. So I call the Monitor Room and tell them what happened. Five minutes later (redacted) comes back upstairs and tells me the key fell down the stairs. Yeah right, the dope didn’t even check his pockets properly. According to Sticks and (redacted) this stuff happens with him every once in a while. So of course Mismanagement is on overdrive today. I… no WE had to write incident reports because of it.

At the meeting she also mentioned that the art inventory sheets needed to be done, but as always Father Time somehow thinks that means “floor inspection sheet”. I let him know I needed some inventory sheets made up, he then brings me more inspection sheets! Someone must have put that idea in his head a long time ago in case people asked him. The idiots are programmed a certain way here, and it’s not like Father Time needs much convincing to begin with. He was at the meeting where it was announced we would be using reorganized inventory sheets.

Unless he just tunes her out, which I can sympathize with. He also almost passed out while giving out everything this morning. He really should retire before this place kills him. During my 20-minute break I asked him if he thought things were getting better or worse. He said once everyone [Mismanagement] realizes where their place is everything will get better.

Tonight the museum is trying a private-event-since-everyone-is-here thing like they have done in the past on a Thursday night. Except tonight I’m the guy that has to play crowd control. It’s only suppose to last an hour though. And it’s only on the 3rd Floor. A beat-boxer and a percussionist. What the hell either has to do with Medieval or Renaissance art I don’t know. Some of you can call me ignorant for not “getting it” and others can agree with me. I don’t care which, all I know is I have to deal with it tonight.

I remember that this night Predator tried beat-boxing too while he was uncle Tomming it with the performers before closing. By that point he was already in the hole, but at least his medication was kicking in...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Something Strange Going On

Recently where I work. There have been health issues going on in my department. They are more unfortunate occurrences because of those who have been involved, not those in the department. Heart problems seem to be a common cause of death and/or an ambulance call.

My friend Sticks had a heart attack during his off hours, but he's doing better than ever for a guy in his 70s. My other friend A.J., who always justifiably bucked Knucklehead and Mismanagement, gets a heart attack at work yet Knucklehead has the ambulance go around the building before the paramedics are allowed to help him. A.J. was never popular with the higher ups because he spoke his mind but that's no reason to stall a man's medical attention. His isn't the only case of suspicions to commit murder.

There's this old guy that works here. I mean like "why are you not retired" old, he's 86. He's also very senile, and an actual danger to a Security department, but possibly the perfect killer because of it. Knucklehead doesn't like someone? Send in Father Time.

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots, but before I explain why, here are the two most recent examples. George and Kenneth; George died of a heart attack a few months ago on his way to work, Kenneth had a heart attack at work a month ago while here. On the staff sheet that morning I was intended to be posted where Kenneth was, as announced by Father Time, but I switched to another post until the accident occured. At which point I took over for Kenneth after he went to the hospital. Father Time is the guy who sets up the post assignments, in the morning, but keep in mind that he also senile.

Both George and Kenneth (respectfully) have been called into several secret meetings for one reason or another. Kenneth not so much, and took it in stride when he did, but George was constantly being led aside by Father Time for some nit pick reason or another. Each meeting a punch to the good job he was doing, and another black mark on his good day.

I've said it time and time again. Knucklehead, and Mismanagement, pick a sheep from the herd and focus their hate on it. Father Time is the one who leads it to slaughter. I've been in enough of their slander meetings to know the feeling of your heart wanting to burst from the stress.