Sunday, May 24, 2015

November 28th 2014

All kinds of mysteries today, and some of which are better off not investigated for the sake of sanity reinforcement

November 28, 2014: Like Wednesday I am working here this Friday to make up for lost hours during Thanksgiving. Once again I am posted on the Sculpture Court, except this time I am posted with Mr. (redacted) instead of Looney Toons. I never thought I would say this but I think he’s almost as messed up as she is. I don't mean mentally, I mean professionally. Like I said Wednesday Lard-Ass (not Mr. Ass, Mismanagement) still has not made new paperwork. Actually she is on vacation (no like an actual vacation this time) this week. Mr. (redacted) found some old sheets of it. He desperately insists on doing it. I mean I get it, it’s something to do that passes the time, but he acts like it’s a requirement. NOTHING is as big of a deal as they make it out to be. Then again my “I don’t give a fuck” vibes might be stronger now than ever. It is really a shame he is not in charge. Shit would get done.

He does make a good point though. We have a shit load of guards today. A full house as (redacted) calls it. So many people in fact that R. and D. J are talking with Thelmite in the corner and Hawkeye is hiding in the Docent’s Kitchen. (Redacted), while in mock Supervisor mode, even asked “how many people do we have on the Court?” to which I should have replied “I don’t fucking care and neither should you!”, but I like Mr. (redacted). He’s cool and I do not have the heart to be an asshole to him, even though I am being one now by writing about this… Hmm. 

I should have mentioned this Wednesday but Wayne quit Saturday night. They tried to secretly transfer him over to Part-Time from Special Events without him knowing. They did that to McLemore except it was the other way around. This was not as ugly because benefits were not involved but it’s still just as disheartening. It was a peaceful departure considering the circumstances. If they ever tried that shit with me I’d call a lawyer A.S.A.P. That could explain why Mismanagement does not like me. I mean apart from the fact that I'm white. She knows, at this point, that if she tries anything I got her ass. Another reason you have to give him serious kudos for keeping a cool head about it. Wayne is a great guy and he has probably more tact in his pinky than I have in my whole damn body. I would have cursed Predator out.

I think I have discovered that her psychological rift with Predator's “asshole factor.” He and (redacted) both had to work Thanksgiving day. When I said “Happy Thanksgiving” to him I almost heard a grumble of disapproval. That really sucks… I thought about making them both a plate of leftovers. Then I remembered it was Predator so… yeah. Fuck him, he can eat his own food, this is not Christmas! I would feel sorry for (redacted) but I think he’s cool with working any time.

Hawkeye just got busted by Mr. Ass. Oh fuck now (redacted's) “on the case” I swear he must be a secret Supervisor or something. Or maybe it’s just in his nature as a kiss ass. By the way (first redacted) was doing the paperwork that was in the book. The blank reference sheets. *sigh* So just now Mr. Ass announced that there is an event until 11:15PM on December 5th, the night before everyone is “required” to be here until 12:15 AM the following day. I am working 4:30 to 9:30 that night, that was the option he gave me. I took it since it’s an extra five hours. For Full Timer’s sake I feel bad for them. 

Another illegal thing that is a constant, within the Security department, is the violation of time between work days. Legally a worker must have eight hours off between work days. They force Full Time officers to work events until midnight on a Friday or Saturday then expect them to be in the very next day at 9:15AM! Not to mention they do not get any proper sleep. It is only the most die hard officers that agree to this. I would not put up with that shit, and I have not in the past. I have gotten stricter with Mr. Ass, he’s not my friend, and that’s the attitude you have to give here. 

Looking back there was a lot of overthinking going on. It made the day go by fast though! 

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