Sunday, May 10, 2015

Survival Tools

I should have covered this earlier, in fact it should have been one of my first entries. If you are a Security Guard this post might save your life! Or… you know make the day so much better. Most importantly, you need ways to literally stay on your feet AND fight the pain that comes with that job requirement.

Depending on where you work there is either a restriction or a lax on electronic devices. If you are guarding the President I can understand the problem with one of your people playing Candy Crush on the job. It’s moments like that when some lunatic could fly a drone onto the front lawn… uhh, well a guy could hop the fence and make it all the way to the front… umm or you know someone could break away from a tour group and end up in the private elevator…

Ok so maybe the Secret Service really shouldn’t play Underworld Empire on post, but in an art museum such devices are a vital requirement! Knucklehead thinks we ARE the Secret Service, but we do not protect OR serve anyone. In fact we do not carry weapons and if we were to defend ourselves we would likely get written up rather than commentated.

Just having an electronic device isn’t enough. You need to know WHEN to use it. There are a lot of boring days here at the Art Museum where no guests are even in the building. On rare days like that no one cares what you do as long as you’re off camera. Also your Supervisor might patrol around trying to catch what you’re doing. Once they do you’re in the clear, but keep on watch.

Then there’s the issue of actually sitting down. Once again; make sure you’re in the clear before doing this and for no more than 30-60 seconds. That’s just long enough to make the muscles in your feet and legs happy. Also, while on camera, you can rest one leg at a time on a bench. As long as it looks like you’re standing the people on the other end of the camera won’t care.

As far as taking care of the aches and pains you could buy a foot massager, but keep in mind that you can’t massage your back with it. An electric massager (the one with the sticky pads) is a good investment. So are Dr. Schols massaging gel inserts, but an electric paddle massager’s better. Just don’t set it to anything above four before turning it on. Learned that the hard way…

If you are more concerned with passing the time make sure you have your chargers for your respective devices. Also turning down the volume and brightness helps conserve battery life. If you are a big music fan then a good set of Bluetooth ear buds are a must. You can have one bud in your free ear while still wearing your radio ear bud in the other. Nobody spots the difference. Same principle goes for mini FM radios incase you are more of a sports fanatic and don’t want to miss the game while draining your life away in a gallery. Who cares what you listen too? You can still guard art, and it makes the day go faster.

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