Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Threat of Terrorism

If you have seen the news lately (and if you haven’t I don’t blame you) then you know I.S.I.S. has their panties in a twist over the death of Mohammed Emwazi aka “Jihad John”. If you work in security then your Supervisor has without a doubt made some kind of speech about how you will all have to be on high alert. Where I work they waste no time doing that sort of thing, especially since my Supervisor (former Manager) can now use the deaths of 130+ people as an excuse for past mistakes.

“I’ve been posted at the same gallery for four months now”, “well because of recent events I won’t be able to rotate guards as often”. “I lost the key to the old entrance, placed blame on the staff, and got a Supervisor fired.” “We better over play the threat of terrorism.” That is basically the current climate at my art museum, hopefully your superiors aren’t using something this serious as a crutch.

Whatever the circumstances; and wherever you are in the country, you need to be alert. In our modern overly politically correct nation if someone suggest profiling you might call them a racist. On the contrary if a Middle Eastern man walks into your place of work, looking like he’s pregnant and sweating nervously, then damn it you better start! Let’s put the faux offensiveness aside and start being concerned with not getting killed.

Be alert and aware of your surroundings. Know where all of the emergency exits are. Make a plan with your fellow co-workers, even if they don’t take it seriously. Most importantly get the guests out through the nearest emergency exit and survive to tell the reporters about how unprepared your idiot superiors were. 

Well I mean five or so years after the fallout, kind of like how people bitched about cancer causing dust after 9/11. It's the American way it seems...

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