Monday, December 28, 2015

April 9th 2015

I got scheduled to come in later so I only have to be stuck here for eight hours. They put me directly in the Special Exhibition. They are so short today that they had Predator come in to do reliefs, and only one guard posted in the Exhibition. Me and the other three part timers came in around the same time and they put us straight to work. No complaints, feels good to be needed. The only downside is that Predator is here until (redacted) gets back.

People are running out of his side of the Exhibition. Probably a combination of his “friendly nature” AND his unnatural stench. I am trying to greet guests with a smile and he stalks them with dirty looks. Unless they are black, then and only then does he actually strike up a conversation with another human being. A pretty black girl, with a baby, came into the gallery and he immediately pounced on her with his “charm”. Until he noticed she was with another guy.

Well (redacted) warned me there would be a meeting when I got here today. Around 3PM I was told to go over to HR's new office. I of course took my sweet time getting over there. Altogether it took about 40 minutes getting there, the meeting, and getting back again. I love it how everyone greets you with a smile, at least Mismanagement does, when the shit’s going to hit the fan. Here I was thinking the meeting would be about Predator's blatant time sheet tampering, but instead it was another alleged complaint over something I never said.

According to the head of PR I made a joke about someone committing suicide in the Old Gallery. I know I have a sense of humor (or lack there-of depending on how you look at me), but I would never joke to a guest or a fellow staff member about anyone committing suicide. That’s really messed up. I can see what they were trying to do but it did not phase me. I stayed objective and told them the truth. HR brings up Tommy Gun's name out of the blue and Knucklehead says “well let me give him a call”. He has to slop all the way over to the new offices just to tell them the same thing I did. Then they call PR in to try and confirm her bullshit accusation. I tell her “I never said that, I don’t joke about that kind of thing.” Then says with conviction “It was you.” Trying not to laugh at the fact that she’s Mismanagement’s buddy. I reply “I’m not saying you didn’t hear someone say that, but it wasn’t me.” Then she starts making sense and says “Maybe it was the other guard.” She didn’t remember what day it was, she didn’t remember who exactly it was. She only knew that it was a white guy with parted hair. I don’t part my hair, last time I did that I looked like Fatty Arbuckle. Not a good look.

At the end of the meeting they were so disappointed that they didn’t get me on anything. Altogether I got to sit down for 30 minutes and owned the meeting. For the rest of the night I had nothing but a smile on my face. Even Predator looked disappointed at the fact that I still had my ID badge and greeted him with a smile. So to recap just in case you haven’t caught on to the pattern.

I have a meeting with The Equalizer about Predator's harassment and break times (or lack there of).
I get called into HR about Kelly.
I call The Equalizer and tell him about Predator stealing hours from me, says we’ll have a meeting with Knucklehead and me about it.

Get called into HR two weeks later about something I never said by a woman who is a friend of Predator's momma bear (Mismanagement).

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