Monday, January 11, 2016

April 18th 2015

Today I am working a wedding tonight, until… well I don’t know yet. Mr. Ass has already taken the liberty of putting me down for 11:15 to 9:15 this coming Thursday. He is hell bent on enforcing that 25-hour limit. I’ll stay until 1:15AM if I can (the maximum 16-hour shift). Say what you will about Predator (actually I have done plenty of that already) but at least he doesn’t give a shit about this ridiculous limit. I went 15 minutes over the limit because of the school tours this past Tuesday. It doesn’t really matter.

Mismanagement has been in charge of the post assignments today. It shows. I am in first exhibition, but I am getting the 1PM lunch break. It’s ok I wasn’t hungry yet anyway. Tommy Gun's posted on New Entrance so she gave him the 12PM break. Then D.J. had to come BACK to the  Special Ex to relieve me. Yeah I think it’s retarded but that was her sentiment exactly.

The copy machine at the staff building is WAY better than the one up on the 5th Floor. I tried doing some copies up there and their settings are all fucked up. The staff just use normal settings so my copies came out fine. (Redacted) was staring at me like I was not suppose to be there. She’s right I wasn’t but there’s nothing in the policy about not using the copy machine. I also wasn’t suppose to make 125 sheets. Oh well haha.

As you would expect it’s chaos tonight. Chop, Predator, and Mismanagement biting at each other like a Cerberus with schizophrenia. Everybody’s trying to be in charge, but none of them have a clue. Mismanagement is not even in the building and she chimes in like she’s directly in the room. Chop's posted on 3rd Floor, before the guests show up the alarm sets off. As usual the poor radio reception did not help the miscommunication that followed. Mismanagement (who remember is not even in the building) commanded Chop to move the extensions away from the alarm beam.

Chop, who HATES being corrected, began lashing out over the radio. “I did that!” Mismanagement repeats herself. “It’s not da problem.” Chop barks back. Predator hops in shouting “I’m on my way up to shut it off manually.” Chop insists that she can fix the problem herself, out of fear that she will look weak and lose control of the situation (not that she ever had any). Turns out one of the early guests were standing too close to the beam. 3rd Floor Lobby was packed! Even after the alarm went off Mismanagement kept pestering Chop about extensions. Being the Lead Officer on the Night Shift does give her clout to be counter-commanding, and as a human being she doesn’t take shit from anybody, even with Knucklehead.

Yesterday that former White House flower lady came to the museum. According to (redacted) it was the total cluster fuck everyone expected it would be. 300 people came in through Old Entrance, all at once, just to hear this woman’s lecture in the Auditorium. The Auditorium can only hold a maximum of 400 people (on the top and bottom sections total). Chop, who was guarding the lower Auditorium entrance, was tasked with preventing guests from entering after it hit the maximum number. She experienced an ethical tug-of-war between following Knucklehead's orders and pleasing a mob of angry guests.

Like tonight with Mismanagement, Knucklehead barked empty orders over the radio without grasping the volume of the situation. Chop held her ground, and like with Mismanagement, snapped back trying to explain what was really going on and how she was trying to prevent a riot. Knucklehead was fuming because he is in front of some private security guy who he thought were secret service. Only Chop can get away with pissing off that egghead unscathed!

Tonight I’m posted on the Freight Elevator, nice cause I get to sit down after being in marble hell for the first eight hours of the day. This also explains why the entry’s so long, sorry bout that. I swear I spent most of the night playing Killzone: Mercenary on my PS Vita. Still has enough juice to get me through the end of the night once I am done with this.

A lady fell and hit her head earlier. Paramedics had to be called. She cut her head but refused medical treatment. At times like these you get to see how bad everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off. Mismanagement actually waddled over to the main building, Predator rode the elevator up to the 3rd Floor (playing with his massive phone along the way), and Chop stood by Old Entrance (as I have said before EMS always stop there first). Questions erupted between the three over the radio; “is there blood?”, “should I call 911?”, where did the incident (referring to Incident Reports) occur?” (Redacted) kept the situation organized from the Monitor Room; made the calls, prepped the first aid kit, and kept the radio chatter up to date. EMS showed up at New Entrance (they must have updated the address) and I brought them up to the 3rd Floor.

There were so many guests the new girl, didn’t even know there was an accident at first. 20 minutes after EMS had arrived Chop stated that she was still waiting at Old Entrance for them to appear. (Redacted) told her that they had already been in the building (this was no secret over the radio). She complained that nobody told her then accused HIM of not listening on the radio! Ignorant to the end…Tonight we got TWO 30 minute breaks, a fucking miracle!

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