Monday, August 31, 2015

January 24th 2015

January 24th 2015: Today I am up on the Gold Gallery with Roy Johnson and the new guy. For the last week they have had him posted on the Landing and Manuscripts area while being trained. Today there are three of us, including myself, posted up here so I am going to stay off in the corner as much as possible. They are both cool guys so the conversations are making the day fly right by, and plus I get to play training officer.

I found out Thursday that (redacted) was ranting down in the break room about “somebody” and he got written up. The one who wrote him up was Clump. She CAN be a bitch but his side of the story seems pretty modest. She does not write anyone up unless you REALLY piss her off. He’s a great guy but he has the tendency to shoot his mouth off. Which is most-likely what happened. They kicked him out of the Monitor Room position and made him a Relief Officer. I do not trust Clump, but A.J. must have really set her off more than he admits.

In other news Mismanagement is sleeping at the museum while she looks for a new apartment. I am guessing she tried to pull her credit scam on her landlord too. You know the last person to pull that kind of thing with? The mystery is where does that money go? She gets paid a lot yet is always bumming for money and credit. Drugs, gambling problem, gigolos? Before she killed (redacted) she would always get money from her. It’s all really sad.

Since it’s the Winter time a lot of homeless people come into the museum. I am glad I am not posted on the doors because I do not know how I could turn them away. You have to be an asshole here, Knucklehead insists on it, but it is a moral grey area. Some of them homeless people in the neighborhood are like that for a reason. A lot of them ARE crazy and dangerous. (Redacted) takes it to another level; following them around like a P.I. in an old noir detective movie. He has a good reason but takes it to an extreme.

While I was off taking a 10-100 I heard “N.O.R.A.” come in over the radio. “N.O.R.A.” means “Need Officer Right Away” you know like a “mayday”. It got the Monitor Room into a tizzy. Turns out it was just someone dicking around. That is seriously not cool. 

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