Sunday, September 13, 2015

February 18th 2015

February 18th 2015: This morning myself, Sticks, and the Redacteds were taken on a tour of the Conservation Lab. It took about 30 minutes, the first 10 was filled with so much rambling that I lost track of what was being said, They always mention “The Monuments Men” stating that the character George Clooney played worked for our museum. Ok… sure. Clooney does not want anything to do with this mess. No one looked like they were busy or hard at work. One chick was flipping through a magazine, (Redacted) was typing away on that five year old laptop, and another woman was literally watching paint dry. Next time you make a donation to an art museum remember this. (Redacted) and his assistant went right back to work once his little segment of the tour was over with. I never realized just how less of a shit I give about art until I took that tour.

Today Mismanagement handed us blank sheets and asked us to list HER strengths and weaknesses. Essentially she wanted us to evaluate her. After not giving a strength or a weakness (instead writing down "are you serious, I'm going to need more paper") she made me write down a strength and weakness on the spot. She even asked (redacted) to escort me down to her office and made me sit there until I wrote something. I of course completely bullshat my way through it. (Redacted) was probably there to be a bodyguard. First she wants us to write down strengths and weaknesses (plural). Then she prints out a special piece of paper and forces me to come up with ONE strength and ONE weakness. She said it was not personal, but that little sly look she had on her face said otherwise.

Tonight they are having another Thursday night special event and I am posted on the Loading Dock. I like dealing with professional caterers. Especially friendly ones that know what they are doing. Gives you an idea of just how messed up our supervision is. I notice Predator has started having guards relieved 15 minutes earlier than usual on Thursday nights. I swear that prick does whatever he wants when it comes to breaks… more like anything, but breaks are a hot-button issue.

I have been on the Loading Dock now for about an hour and a half, and have not seen any caterers. Also Harris keeps responding to elevator calls like they’re talking to him. What part of “Freight Elevator to three” sounds like "(redacted) to base”? After that meeting I had with The Equalizer he must be trying to prove he’s not incompetent. Though he still can’t use his manpower properly. 

Just as an addition I want to point out how this is the beginning of the end for the power abuse from both Mismanagement and Predator. I had a meeting with The Equalizer a week prior to the above entry. I don't feel comfortable with the next entries because things got tough for me at the art museum for a while because of it, but it wasn't for nothing. 

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