Thursday, October 13, 2016

August 15th 2015

Today we had a long meeting about the policy of women breast feeding their babies in the galleries. (redacted) brought it up. Mismanagement mentioned that we can’t legally say anything to them, but can say something if other guests are offended. (Redacted) replied “well I was offended”. I’ve told him time-and-time again that no one cares, or does anything, unless a guest has a problem.

Also Father Time (or Mismanagement) hasn’t printed out Inventory sheets for the art books despite always having a meeting about it. I swear it’s like a bad situational comedy. I ask him for Inventory sheets, that we keep having meetings about, and he brings me Floor Inspection sheets that the Maintenance closet is already tripping in.

He said he would go downstairs and print up a batch. Some time later, after I got back from my lunch, I asked if he brought them up. He shook his head and said that he completely forgot about it. This is why you’re just wasting your breath if you ask for anything around here.

Also for a week now, and I forgot to mention this earlier, the Relief Officers must relieve everyone on the dot now. Gone are the days where we get relieved nine-minutes-of, at least for now. Don’t worry they still get their 30-minute lunch breaks. I guess this is to combat against their 30 minutes of hanging around at the end of the day. They’ll forget about this new stupid rule after a while.

Father Time not printing out Inventory sheets is kind of a bummer but not really a big deal. I’ve always made a game out of the sheets to help pass the time, but after a year I’ve already set up a game of my own. Plus I’m working on “The Project” while I’m posted on the 3rd Floor. Write a page in this notepad, do a round, stop to play The Simpsons: Tapped Out, write down one of the art pieces, then rinse and repeat. Also every hour I exercise with the fire extinguisher by the back stairwell.

I know what you’re thinking and yes this place gives you a lot of time on your hands. Rest assured I’m not in charge of anything vital, unless you’re one of those artsy fartsy fucks, in which case your face is red with anger. Be mad bro… Be mad.

Back on the subject of relief times being tighter than a cat’s ass; Father Time has done evening reliefs for the last few Thursdays. He’s not actually suppose to be here past 5:00PM. Actually he shouldn’t be here past three years ago, but that’s beside the point. You’re suppose to start evening reliefs at 5:15, he starts his at 4:55! And he’s Father Time so no one’s going to tell him otherwise. Sticks got to leave early, he was posted at the staff building all day. I hear it’s a nice gig provided you know how to work a switchboard.

Also this is the second Thursday that Mr. Ass has had to cover for Predator on the evening shift. Though unfortunately Predator still works here according to Buckwheat. He’ll run out of whatever meds he’s taking and become an asshole again I guarantee it.