Wednesday, February 18, 2015

July 17th 2014

Ever have one of those days where you are given an idiotic job to do? I mean apart from any other job. In an art museum, with the caliber of management we have, a little common sense and logic does not go very far. Here's an example. 

Mismanagement is on another power trip. She came to work today in uniform. With a split down the back of her pants. Yeah I think her pants are fed up with her ass too. She is definitely trying to impress somebody. They currently have H.H. closed off for renovations but here is the kicker. You know how they typically have two guards posted on third floor of the old building? Now with H.H. closed one guard patrols the entire gallery while the other has to stand guard solely at the bridge to H.H. to “make sure no guests get into that part of the museum”. Right. Like the signs and the guard posted down at H.H. do not do that already. The only reason they have it open is because of the view. They should just close it off and leave it alone. It would also free up a guard.

If you have not guessed already I am the unlucky bastard this time. According to Missy I am not allowed to leave the bridge AND I have to announce to the H.H. guard when staff members are going down. And THEY are suppose to let me know when a staff member is coming up from there, but (redacted) is not because he is too busy on the phone. Just to add some variety to the monotony I announce everyone differently. Staff are staff, art handlers are art handlers, the Assistant Director is the Assistant Director, and Knucklehead was Knucklehead. Especially those last two because they are the ones you do not want to get caught slacking around. I have not seen the A.D. come through much but whenever the D.S. comes through I announce him. If that is what he wants, that is exactly what he gets. No (redacted) getting caught on MY watch.

I guess Mismanagement put me here to try and break me but once again she does not realize that I have adopted to these psychological tactics. I mean hell I carry around plenty of gadgets to keep me occupied. This view is freaking incredible. Its like I am getting paid to stare out the window and write! Speaking of which I notice a lot of activity going on. It is beautiful outside. People walking dogs, girls sun bathing, horny black dudes staring at girls sunbathing, police accosting those black dudes while hypocritically staring at at sunbathers. Beautiful day, nice to know authority is retarded on the outside too. 

A very productive day over all, I got a lot of work done while my manager expected I would be miserable. 

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