Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Unsupervised Supervisors

As a manager of any kind of department you need to keep a cool head and command respect. If something goes wrong on your end you are to face the facts and try to prevent it from happening again in future. A responsibility some adults take for granted.

In a Security department you need others, under your command, to work out the objectives of the day and keep order of the man power. If you haven’t already guessed from reading “Hierarchy” (http://beingasecurityguard.blogspot.com/2015/01/hierarchy.html) we have more chefs in the kitchen than cooks. A set of policies in place but various people with their own ideas and agendas. This kind of behavior can, and has, been a dangerous mix.

Along with Supervisors we have Lead Officers that really do all of the work. Unless of course it’s the Evening Shift, Mismanagement’s not around, and Predator is having a bad day. In which case his megalomania gets the better of him and things really get disorganized. I’ll go into all of that at another time.

The problem, apart from having way too much time on their hands, is that they shift what little duties they have onto their subordinates. Essentially we do not need some of these positions because it only breeds confusion. When anyone screws up they just shift the blame onto whoever is below them, even the littlest of things.

When people start to question why Mismanagement is not doing anything priorities shift again. Some weeks she will be in charge of schedules, to keep her busy. Schedules are not being printed out like they were when the Day Shift Supervisor was in charge, so it’s their duty again. You would think that an art museum would be simple. Apparently it’s too simple for the Security department. 

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