Tuesday, June 23, 2015

December 18th 2014

December 18th 2014: Last night was the annual Christmas party. (Redacted) won the award. First of all it’s well deserved and secondly it’s good that someone in Security got it. (Redacted's) a hell of a nice guy and it makes sense that he won. Since it was the Christmas party everyone was there. Except, like usual, there was barely any mingling between departments. They don’t communicate professionally, why communicate casually? Mismanagement only stayed for as long as it took to stuff her gullet and give out the award. She gave a halfhearted speech, that was more than likely written by someone else, and was sitting at the table that was blocking the dance floor. Though mainly she left early because she was not fucking welcome. Her giant ass knocked over two drinks and she piled a plate of food a foot high. I will admit that even without Mismanagement's food hoarding there are slim pickings at those Christmas parties. So I got a slice of Greek pizza before I showed up. It’s enough to fill me up because it’s a big slice. The main reason I decided to go was the free beer. I drank about five and finished off whatever concoction (redacted) was drinking.

Oh and of course Knucklehead was there too. I made the mistake of initiating conversation with him. From there he tried to make small talk with all of us. You know the awkward stand-around-while-one-person-thinks-of-something-to-say-while-the-rest-want-him-to-fuck-off thing? Everyone is still trying to figure out who the “mole” is. Everyone knows it’s (older redacted) but no one is really sure, there could be others because on that kiss-ass list. I was concerned that talking to Knucklehead would make ME look like the teacher’s pet. If you have not figured it out by now I AM NOT a kiss ass. I do not believe in it, and as far as the Art Museum is concerned, it’s not worth it. Security is already a very thankless job, not worth wasting the energy.

Speaking of Knucklehead he got pretty stoned last night. I even got video of him dancing with the head of HR. Before the dancing they were being pretty flirty. Looks like he’s got another affair going on. One night, and I may have mentioned this before, (redacted) told me about Knucklehead's first Christmas party where he “got close” to a chick named Nancy that use to work here. “They weren’t just dancing, they were grinding”, he told me. Knucklehead and his BJ weren’t exactly “grinding” but it looked intimate. I saved the video on my laptop for later use as blackmail material. No I am not kidding. Like I said before these fuckers are evil and now they are pawns.

Today I’m posted on the Court with the award winner. (Redacted) is not here so we are the front line for 10-100s, but he keeps getting called away for stuff. One of the things the Surveillance Room needed him for was to check the store. They got a call about a possible shoplifter. Turns out the “shoplifter” was just an old black man looking for his gloves. The award winner thinks they are prejudice, and they probably are. They have to deal with a different set of individuals than we do. They are fat and angry women devoid of humanity. It’s a little spooky how the one chick does that exasperated eye bulge thing when she breathes out. They are just not very friendly.

So later tonight I will be taking over 2nd Floor. R.J. goes home at 5:00PM. That will be a nice change of pace for the last four hours of the day. Mismanagement wanted me and (redacted) to do the paperwork for the Court. The bitch who’s in charge of the paperwork, does not realize she needs to actually MAKE new paperwork for us to do. 

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