Wednesday, June 3, 2015

December 6th 2014

It's not just the people that run the surveillance room that are completely retarded. The event planner can be Gilbert Grape sometimes too. This was a prime example of that. "Let's let drunks possibly fall over the side of the balcony and fucking die, oh and you make sure that doesn't happen while you guard three other places." Cunt...

December 6th 2014: Mr. Ass announced today that he’s going on medical leave for a while. Not sure the nature of his condition, or how long he said he would be out. I guess it has something to do with that stick up his ass. Later on I found it is an ass operation, I kinda feel bad about that comment, but I do hope the doctors remove the whole thing. If you leave the root it will just come back.

There’s still no paper work and I am posted on the second floor. I am going to be here until midnight tonight. Well not 2nd floor ALL night. Later they posted me on R+G+G after 5:00PM. I will be here for the remainder of the night and everyone in authority is retarded.

It’s a Christmas party for Zenimax media, the guys who publish Bethesda Softworks; the makers of Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc. The last time they had a holiday party here I was posted in the same place but Captain Redacted was up here backing me up (well apart from that 30 minute 10-100 he justifiably took). Anyway Heather is always in charge of these messes. This time they are keeping the balcony open too. The fucking balcony! You know the balcony that leads to a marble death if you fall off of it? Imagine that but mixed with drunk idiots and see my concern. If someone dies it’s not on me. I am just going to stand in the Landing all night. I practically have to because I need to make sure drunk morons do not come into the galleries OR the Loggia carrying drinks.

Apparently I’m suppose to prevent them from going up and down the stairs with them too, I just laughed when I heard that. I’m one man doing the job of three. Even D.J. came upstairs and complained about it, she was suppose to be downstairs preventing drinks from coming UP the stairs. I checked the art before the party, still looks the same as always. Not that the conservation department sees that. There’s a scavenger hunt going. I think I’ll spend the night helping everyone cheat! No one is even hardly going out on the balcony (thank you Jesus). The snooty event planner bitch fails! HAHA! Everyone is reading the signs too. Zenimax is a good crowd except for whoever started that brawl downstairs. Yep even the cops were called, between this and the skinny super model chicks flashing their asses, I don’t think we have to worry about Zenimax coming back again. 

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