Sunday, June 21, 2015


 I have probably already covered this subject on several occasions, but where I work it’s a constant problem. It is no secret that the people in charge do not care about being there, neither do the subordinates like me, but THEY are suppose to be in charge.

If you are the boss in any work environment you must keep a record of where your people are and utilize their potential for the task at hand. This is unfortunately not the case in our Security department. There is also a total lack of common sense in all tiers of command. Which has caused a steady drop in morale over the time I have worked there.

When an event occurs they rely on volunteers before they forcibly recruit Full-Time officers, if they do not have the people to cover it. This of course causes ill-will among the ranks for two reasons. Firstly there are guards specifically designated to work events, but have the freedom to not work it if they choose. Secondly Management often over, or under, books the amount of personnel needed. The ideal scenario would be to have so many Special Event guards that there would be no need for forced labor.

Even when there are enough people they are never posted where they need them. Often times there are more guards than necessary. Standing around, literally guarding nothing and no one. If nothing is said their time is wasted. The shift Supervisor won’t say anything because they don’t want to admit when they ARE wasting their staff’s time. In Predator’s case, the guy who is always in the middle of these situations, he just wants to cover his own ass.

Trust me; where I work they are often wrong. Everyone knows it, and they do a better job of hiding this than actually using their manpower appropriately. 

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